Category: PHP

  • Drupal 10, a quick overview

    Drupal 10, a quick overview

    Drupal 10 is the latest version of the popular open-source content management system (CMS) Drupal, released on December 14th, 2022. It marks the culmination of over two years of development and brings with it numerous new features and improvements. One of the key features of Drupal 10 is its support for modern web development practices.…

  • How to step debug PHP code with Xdebug and PhpStorm on a DDEV setup

    How to step debug PHP code with Xdebug and PhpStorm on a DDEV setup

    What is debugging? Per wikipedia: “In computer programming and software development, debugging is the process of finding and resolving bugs (defects or problems that prevent correct operation) within computer programs, software, or systems.” Per Internet: “Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you are also the murderer.” – Filipe Fortes What…

  • How to switch between PHP versions on Mac OS X using homebrew

    How to switch between PHP versions on Mac OS X using homebrew

    I use docker for all the projects, but the other day I needed to run a composer command in my host machine to install a Drupal distribution which is not compatible with PHP 8.0, so I needed to switch the PHP version. And the steps to do so are: Install homebrew: Install the Brew…